Saturday 7 February 2009

grocery store fun and chinese new year

Last night was the chinese new year party. we didn't end up staying long because we were so tierd and couldn't pay attention to any of the acts which were in chinese. when we got back we decided to create a fake profile on e-harmony .com after trying to find television on the internet. today i slept in and expected to wake up to a gloomy and rainy day again. I was pleasantly surprised when i opened my curtains to see the sun shining. We went to the store to buy laundry detergent. when we got back we started watching tv with someone from our hall. There was this show on where this guy races really fast cars against public transportation. it was interesting. i will be glad to start classes next week.

also my calves hurt.


  1. mary. i just sat in grant writing class for 6 hours where a girl in my group thought that our budget-making exercise was real life, not a class assignment, and we kept the class 40 minutes over. also, 1 in 4 people have a form of celiac disease. you have to tell me about your classes when they start. im happy that the suns shining there! have u shopped at top shop yet? please go and make me jealous with how cool it is.

  2. i hate it when i get too tierd

  3. my calves hurt too...and also I liked when in your last blog you said living there was like watching the BBC on a really big television (they say telly though, you have to get userd to that)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. MY CALVES HURT TOO! I think it's because I spent too long going backwards on the elliptical. Ah, well. I'm going to yoga with Jacob at noon (AKA DINNERTIME FOR YOU!), so hopefully that'll make them feel better.
    I loved skyping with you last night. I hope to do that more often/now I'm all caught up on your blog, too.
    Have a loverly day, little tomato!
    Love, Meatball
